Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Free Makeup Samples: BoxaBoza Glam Boxes

Women are obsessed with makeup. This is why cosmetic industry has always been terrifically prolific in pumping up new cosmetics with innovative packaging & aspiring skin care benefits. From Korean skin care to make up trends coming from the West; nothing turns a woman off than having to stay in the vacuum about the makeup product she has been longing to get a hold of. Although makeup junkies would pay anything to try new products, the ingenious way to begin the journey is; beginning with free makeup samples. You might not be able to raise a good collection of free makeup samples in your local drug store but trying your luck online does reap potential benefits. Boxa Boza offers free makeup samples (deluxe sized) to influential bloggers interested in product testing & to all of the customers globally, eyeing at the BoxaBoza glam boxes.

Why get Free Makeup Samples of BoxaBoza?

Boxa Boza Glam boxes offer various skin care & makeup products culled from Korea &Taiwan. Purchasing a full-sized product only to discover at the end of the day that it caused you to break out & left your skin scarred is horrendously disturbing. Free makeup samples help you learn and test the product on your own skin. It is good to learn from others’ experiences but learning from your own trial leaves deep foot imprints.

Skin care is a serious business & one-time trial samples don’t let you see how effective a product may be. Boxa Boxa free makeup samples are not just another over-the-counter sample sizes. They are complete deluxe-sized products that let you try the product several times before you finally come up with an opinion about a certain item.

How to Get Free Makeup Samples of Boxa Boza

You are invited to actively participate in Boxa Boxa giveaways held on monthly basis. You are also liable to rebate your order with discount codes. You have unlimited opportunities with Boxa Boxa if you are an influential blogger, makeup or skin care expert. Email your specific field of interest & your skills with respective URLs to your work at pr@bozaboza.com to grab boxes full of free makeup samples.

Boxa Boxa glam boxes contain free makeup samples of face masks, big eye makeup accessories, makeup kits, circle lenses & eye drops along with other mystery gifts & greeting cards.


  1. Some good samples there! :)

  2. By the way what site do you use to get your free samples? I tend to go for the big freebie sites like http://www.wowfreestuff.co.uk/ and http://www.latestfreestuff.co.uk/ but they don't always come when I apply for them lol x

  3. I love this! I always try and get beauty boxes, and try to get them on free stuff sites like https://www.allfreestuff.co.uk/.
